Governing Body

Sl No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Dr Sangram Kumar Dolai | President |
2. | Prof Kalipada Maity | Secretary |
3. | Sri Siddhartha Bahubalindra | Govt. Nominee |
4. | Sk Hafez Ali | Govt. Nominee |
5. | Dr Debaprasad Sahu | Nominee of WB State Council of Higher Education |
6. | Prof Bani Ranjan De | VU Nominee |
7. | Mrs Adwitiya Chaudhuri | VU Nominee |
8. | Swarupananda Bahubalindra | Donor Member |
9. | Dr Diganta Ghosh | Teacher Representative |
10. | Prof Satyaranjan Das | Teacher Representative |
11. | Prof Samir Mondal | Teacher Representative |
12. | Sri Jayanta Ghosh | Non-Teaching Representative |